This error happens when functions are located in a memory location more than 256MB apart from the main memory because the Nios II compiler uses the call instruction which has 256MB boundary limitation.
1) In ACDS version 13.1, the -relax-all option is implemented to use the callr instruction instead of call instruction. In Software Build Tools for Eclipse, add the -Wa,-relax-all option in the Application and/or BSP properties as user flags.
This workaround may impact the software performance as callr instruction uses more assembly instructions compared to the call instruction.
For BSP, gemrtos uses:
nios2-bsp hal $1 qsysgrtos.sopcinfo --cpu-name GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_gemrtos_proc_1 --cmd "set_setting hal.enable_reduced_device_drivers true" --cmd "set_setting hal.stderr GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_jtag_uart_1" --cmd "set_setting hal.stdin GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_jtag_uart_0" --cmd "set_setting hal.stdout GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_jtag_uart_0" --cmd "add_section_mapping rstaux GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_rstaux_memory" --cmd "delete_memory_region GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_onchip_memory2_2" --cmd "add_memory_region onchipdata GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_onchip_memory2_2 0 512" --cmd "add_memory_region onchipcode GeMRTOS_Multiprocessor_0_onchip_memory2_2 512 15872" --cmd "add_section_mapping onchipdata onchipdata" --cmd "add_section_mapping onchipmem onchipcode" --cmd "set_setting hal.make.bsp_cflags_user_flags -Wa,-relax-all"
and for the application
nios2-app-generate-makefile.exe --bsp-dir ./${SOFTWARE_DIR_NAME}/${BSP_NAME} --app-dir ./${SOFTWARE_DIR_NAME}/${APP_NAME} --elf-name ${APP_NAME}.elf --set APP_CFLAGS_USER_FLAGS "-Wa,-relax-all" --inc-rdir ./${SOFTWARE_DIR_NAME}/${APP_NAME} --src-rdir ./${SOFTWARE_DIR_NAME}/${APP_NAME}